Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sholder Pain After Cold Drink Scared Of A Diease After, A Unknown Girl Did A Oral Sex Me On April 2007?

Scared of a diease after, A unknown girl did a oral sex me on april 2007? - sholder pain after cold drink

She kissed me on the lips. I am a man of 19 years. Once you done this, I was felt like a kiss I caught a virus or something. Because I felt tingling around my lips. Week after he white spots in the throat as the lymph nodes. After a week I had pain in his shoulder. Sores in the nose, such as red to swelling. Is the medicine to the neck better than ever before. From 2 months after pericarditis, whenever a deep breath, like a dull pain about 3 days after his departure. But in December Sholder I'm in pain, red spots back of throat, sore throat and sometimes the pain is sometimes the left chest, tingling in the body at times, sweat under the arms are cold. My heart palpitations sometimes. I think fear is the cause of all this. Then I went to the doctor yesturaday 2nd Decemberand she told me that my heart is right. I think I'm just afraid that I have taken some diease and what they do for all of these symptoms. I asked the girl who kissed me if you have any diease she said, have no


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