Friday, February 5, 2010

Sinus Cold Sick To Stomach I Was A Vegetarian For A Year Liked It But Was Sick More Frequently, What Can I Do To Go Back?

I was a vegetarian for a year liked it but was sick more frequently, what can I do to go back? - sinus cold sick to stomach

seem to have a good feeling, I can eat cereal and dairy products, such as problems.i slightly sick from meat (in fact I am very sick, now a part of the chicken) on the previous day. Fruits and vegetables are hard to digest for me. So if I usually eat a vegetarian soy products, beans and rice and bread. Much more energy, I felt good, except that I was more inclined to have sinus infections and colds. I took supplements. Is there something I can eat, drink, or in the scope of which is not detrimental to the stomach to prevent the decline of immunity? I've heard that soy is in smaller quantities, you bad?


Meghan M said...

You probably detoxification. Some foods can cause excess mucus to accumulate in your system (the newspaper is one of them) and the power clean, cleaned that all the bad chemicals and toxins from your system. Read accumulates on raw diet for more information on detoxification and mucus. It feels really be worse before you feel better!

geetaagro f said...

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Justin B said...

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